I'm realizing more and more how much I hate working in retail. I find people soooo irritating. I'm sure I'm rubbish at it to, it's not like people can't tell I'm grumpy at work all the time. It sounds horrible, but more often I'm worried about how I would kill this person than how I should serve them best. Whatever. I was thinking about it and I figured that if I was going to work with the public as a job, I would need to be teaching them or doing tours. I love explaining history or writing to people, but working at a grocery store makes me want to pull a gun.
I want to get the fuck out of this townnn. It's soo effing stupid here. I'm tired of the people who think they are soooo popular. They get soooo much attention because they are the 'smartest' or the most 'charasmatic' in our grade, but really? This is Maple fucking Creek. I've heard so many stories about the kids who got the most attention in high school going to university and finding out that they aren't as wonderful as everyone told them they were. Apparently, people in the real world don't pat them on the back and fuel their egos everytime they do something right. Tough luck. Theres a few people in my grade and the grade lower that I can already tell this will happen to. They need a serious reality check and I'm sure they're going to get it.
I was talking to my friend about where he wants to go to university. He wants to go to an art school in BC. When he told his Mum, she said he couldn't go there. Not because it's too expensive, not because she wants him to take something more solid than the arts...But because she heard that there are a lot of gay people there.
Are you fucking kidding me? There are gay people EVERYWHERE. There are quite a few in town, even. His Mum is completely ridiculous. It's not like my friend is just going to magically TURNGAY. You're born gay, it's not a choice. Stupidfuckingreligiousfreaksandtheirgaybashing.
>.< [/angryrant]
I think I'm done now. x] I've been meaning to read more Stephen King. I can't believe I haven't read much from his before, to be honest. At the writing workshop I go to in the summer, the instructor told me I write like Stephen King. I know enough about him to know that was a massive compliment. =o Even though the instructor was a wanker and quite possibly stole one of my short stories.
I wish I had more interesting things to say. I feel like I'm spending all my time waiting. Waiting for school to finish for the day, waiting to get off work, waiting to graduate, waiting, waiting, waiting. SOTIREDOFWAITING. I feel so stuck here. I hardly can even bring myself to try in school, which is pretty horrible on my part. This is supposed to be the year that counts. PLUS, my classes are fucking easy so I'm sort of out of excuses.
Cole didn't end up coming. Probably better that way cause the weather's been shit and there was a bomb scare on a plane on Christmas day. Bleh. It would have been cool to see him but I guess it wasn't meant to happen.
I got a couple LIVING IN THE UK books for Christmas which was fucking exciting. =D I'm so pumped to get out of this shit hole. Like fuck. I also got the MONTY PYTHON HOLY TRILOGY <3 width="560" height="340">
They are the definition of sexy. I <3 British comedy. What else what else what else. OH, I've been looking at British cell phones on ebay. They get me all excited cause they use SIM cards. Which are godly little devices that are slowly being introduced in Canada. I believe Rogers & Bell are starting to use them. They seem like they would make life easier. x] Nothing much more than that, but well...