I'm Katie
It's so lovely to meet you.
Friday, October 9, 2009

I haven't posted in a long time. I haven't really felt there has been much to say.

Went to the Peer Support Retreat. Peer Support is soooo lame. At school in the meetings we just sit and everyone talks in their own groups and it takes forever to decide even the smallest things. It frustrates me. The retreat is a little boring until the second night.

The first day was Thursday and we left after school to go to Diamond Willow, where they have a bunch of cabins and stuff. The people from Maple Creek made supper while we waited for the people from Swift Current and Eastend to arrive. Once they got here we assigned rooms. Turned out there were enough in the main building and no one needed the cabins. We ate, did some ice breaker games to get to know each other. Nothing special.

The second day we did lots of talking about stuff like suicide awareness, how to talk to people...a bunch of boring stuff that I had sat before the year before. It was boring as hell and hard to concentrate. That night however, we had a fire started and that was nice. Later on we did this thing called a 'Sharing Circle'. This was the fun part. We pass a rock around the circle four times. Each time the person holding the rock has a chance to speak.

Now, last year when we did this is was a complete mess of immaturity, but this year it was really intense. Everyone was saying things that were on their minds and about theirs pasts and in the end only about four people weren't crying. Out of about...35 people. It sounds sort of lame, but I don't think anyone would understand unless they had been there themselves. I learned things about people I had known for years that I had never known before. I talked about things I had never told anyone before. It was very powerful.

Moving right alongg...

Yesterday I went to the dentist in Swift and it started blizzarding! So weird. I mean just two weaks ago in Swift Current it was +30 celsius. Crazy. It was blizzarding in town today. First snow of the season! Hopefully it will go away until closer to the end of the month. I enjoy the cold, but the snow could wait a bit longer.

I think thats all...Hehe. Bye!

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