I'm Katie
It's so lovely to meet you.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Institute for Human Continuity

So in my biology class, one of the guys asked the biology teacher if he had seen a commercial for the Institute for Human Continuity (IHC) on TV. For those of you who have not seen one of these commercials, watch this before I continue...

Now, it doesn't show on this video, but on TV if you pause the video at the very end of the ad, you will see in the bottom right hand corner is a little 'Columbia Pictures' symbol. When I was watching this preview with my Dad, we thought it was probably fake. So at the end he paused it and that's when we found this symbol. Obviously, we came to the conclusion that this was some sort of advertising stunt for the new movie 2012.

The funny thing is, this idea is completely brilliant. The internet is alive with buzz over these previews! They even created a whole website for the IHC. Check it out!


I think this is an amazing idea and it is working. I definitely am looking forward to the movie 2012 now.

BUT, back to biology class, when I pointed out that the IHC were just movie ads for the movie 2012, I was greeted with skepticism and laughter. Well, turns out that I'm not as stupid as everyone thought I was.

Thank you very much. :)
Feedback welcome and appreciated!

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