Okay, I just want to point out that it is the 8th anniversary of 9/11. It doesn't feel like it's been that long really...I guess its because the war isn't in our country. It's easy to forget whats going on around us sometimes.
I still remember the morning of September 11, 2001 very clearly. I woke up, it was a bit grey outside, but I felt overall good. I actually remember saying out loud 'Today will be a good day'. I went upstairs and saw what my Mum was watching on the TV...It was a news replay of the first tower being hit. I was only 9, but I knew that it was something very bad that would impact the world for years to come.
Sooo, today was picture day. Blehhh. I missed it because I have a spare first period and pictures were first period...But it was okay because my biology teacher let me go second period. I always feel the urge to laugh at the camera man. Not because he is funny, but because he is so lame. I would say that is a dead end job. And they always make these lame jokes to make you laugh. The only reason I've ever laughed at one of them was because I couldn't believe they were lame enough to even say that. Ugh. This one was no different. He wanted me to say 'sweet'. Yeah...or not.
Eff dat shyt.
I hate this job so much.
I guess I should feel lucky I actually have a job...But seeing as I'm wallowing in self pity...
Every Friday night we have to hang the sale signs for the next weeks sales. Of course we have to do this after the store closes, which means we have to stay late. So we have to go down each isle, find the product, and stick annoying little plastic signs in annoying little plastic slots. Two hours. You would think that with technology these days we could come up with like...digital sale signs or something. It wouldn't even be that expensive and it would save a lot of paper/plastic.
RANDOM LITTLE FACT: Every tiny bit of plastic ever made is still floating around the Earth somewhere.
Well this is for fantasy/ninja/action/adventure lovers. :D
My Dad introduced me to a series called Tales of the Otori. It is an awesome series! It's set in ancient Japan and has lots of intense ninja fight scenes and a killer plot. Of course, it also has a wonderful forbidden love plot thrown in, just to make it even more amazing. The first book in the series is called 'Across the Nightingale Floor' and it's by Lian Hern.
Anyway...I think that's all for now. Haha.